Which is why we have achieved an A-rating Certification on both our Ornate and Bevelled Windows which is the highest possible rating for energy efficiency.
They are windows that help to contain and conserve heat within your home keeping out wind and rain and yet allowing natural ‘free’ energy to heat your home. They can be made using any frame material or even a combination of frame materials you choose; aluminium, pvc-u, steel or timber.
The BFRC Rating Council Limited (BFRC) labelling system allows customers to compare the energy efficiency of different products. The label tells you how energy efficient your windows are. All windows are rated from A to G with A being the most energy efficient and G being the least.
You can save money on your energy bills if you install Energy Efficient Windows. If your home is single-glazed or your double-glazing was installed prior to April 2002 then you could be losing heat and therefore money, literally out of the window! So by switching to Energy Efficient Windows, you could save energy and reduce your heating bills substantially per year.
If you live in a single-glazed house and install Energy Efficient Windows, you could reduce the energy you use by 0.30 tonnes or 18% – almost reaching the Government target of 20% reduction per household.