uPVC Sash Windows in Newport

uPVC sash windows are a fabulous addition to any home in Newport. A timeless design, uPVC sash windows sit flush within the frame. That means you’ll get a sleek window with fewer protruding elements getting in the way of the outside world. Not only that, but the window has an incredibly smooth opening, no matter which opening you choose for it. And, with top-hung and vertical sliding options available, you can customise your uPVC sash windows to suit your Newport home.

At Panoramic, we have over 40 years of experience offering these windows to homes in Newport. Our expert installation team will be able to fit your new windows with the care and courtesy your living space deserves. Not only that, but we’re committed to quality. We work with Roseview on our uPVC sash windows, so you can add leading quality to your living space. These windows won’t just look stunning, but they can improve your home’s light, warmth, and even its security.

uPVC Sash Window Designs Newport
Sliding Sash Windows Newport

uPVC Sash Window Designs

We’re proud to offer Roseview’s range of uPVC sash window designs. These come in three distinct styles, each of which combines the look of a classic window with modern performance. The Heritage Rose is a timeless option, which features an astragal bar to provide the look of traditional timber. It also comes with a deep bottom rail and external putty lines. As a result, you’ll get clear sightlines of the outside world, and plenty of natural light too.

The Ultimate Rose range doesn’t use welding throughout its process. That means you’ll get an even sleeker uPVC profile in your window, and it’ll faithfully recreate traditional timber joinery. One huge benefit of these windows is their lack of maintenance. While old wooden windows often need to be repainted, you won’t have to clean these more than once or twice a month. Not only that but uPVC is a weatherproof material, so it won’t fade or crack like wood can over time.

The Charisma Range, though, offers even more weather protection. The design features triple brush seals, which stop water and wind coming through and playing havoc with your home’s comfort. Also, all of these windows have accreditations for their security features, including Secured By Design. Because of this, you can invest in either one of these unique designs with total peace of mind.

Benefits of uPVC Sash Windows

Double Glazing

Classic Aesthetic

At Panoramic, we’re proud of how we look. That’s why our uPVC sash windows have a timeless, authentic design that will lift your Newport home. You’ll benefit from the classic look of an old timber window, but you’ll have none of the drawbacks. Instead, the uPVC frame will last longer, perform more effectively, and protect your home from bad weather and burglars.

Double Glazing

Advanced Security

uPVC sash windows are highly secure designs. Because they sit flush within the frame, there are fewer gaps in the structure. As a result, it is much more challenging for any intruder to prise the window open. Not only that, but our designs feature internal security features, such as multi-point locking systems. And, with uPVC protecting this hardware, it won’t rust or wear down.

Double Glazing

Low Maintenance

If you have old timber windows, then you may already be frustrated with the cleaning. Timber windows need repainting and revarnishing regularly, otherwise they can fall apart after only a few years. Our uPVC sash windows, on the other hand, are a lasting investment for your Newport home. You won’t have to clean them regularly, and they can last for 30 years or more.

uPVC Sash Window Prices

Bespoke Sash Windows

uPVC sash windows are flexible designs. Because of this, we give you the choice to customise your new windows to create your dream design. You can choose from our wide array of bold RAL colours, and authentic woodgrain finishes, as well as accessories like handles. Your new colours won't fade or lose their vibrancy for years to come, thanks to the durable uPVC frame. That way, you can design a window that suits you, no matter the style you're looking for.

uPVC Sash Windows To Be Proud Of

Thanks to our partnership with Roseview, we know we’ll be able to offer uPVC sash windows that make a difference to homes right across Newport. With three styles to choose from, and a whole range of customisable options, you’ll be in control of every aspect of the design.

Not only that, but you won’t have to worry about the quality of your windows. Roseview’s models are market-leading, with superb thermal efficiency and durability to enhance your home for years to come.

uPVC Sash Window Prices Newport

Add timeless uPVC sash windows to your home in Newport today!

You can take advantage of our online quoting engine to start the process right away. You can choose the features you’d like to add to your window, the opening and the colours too. Then, we’ll give you an online quote within minutes!

Give us a call today on 01179 560 321 and talk to our friendly team to find out more!

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You don't need an appointment if you want to visit us. But if you wish to discuss your project with a consultant, we recommend you make an appointment to avoid having to wait when you arrive.

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