High Quality Windows

Get a high quality home improvement for your Berkeley home with our uPVC windows. Made using premium grade materials, these windows offer superior levels of thermal efficiency, security and weatherproofing. If you are looking for a way to completely transform the aesthetics of your home, both internally and externally, while adding functionality this is the perfect solution!

By using a robust uPVC frame and advanced double glazing, your property will truly benefit from the addition of uPVC windows. At Panoramic, we offer a broad variety of styles to suit all Berkeley homes. Why sacrifice style for performance when you can have both?!

uPVC Windows in Berkeley
uPVC Window Costs Berkeley

uPVC Window Styles

As mentioned, we offer a variety of different uPVC window styles to homeowners in Berkeley and the surrounding areas. This is to ensure that we have a profile for every need and style preference. Whether your home is modern or traditional, we are confident we will have something that will perfectly match.

Our variety of styles includes casement, flush casement, sliding sash and tilt and turn windows. If there is something specific you are after, please let us know. We are always happy to take on a challenge. These windows can be further customised using our range of colours, finishes and accessories. Pick something bright and bold or elegant and traditional.


Benefits of uPVC Windows

Double Glazing

Ideal Replacement Windows

If you have outdated timber windows, our uPVC designs are the ideal replacement. While timber requires a lot of upkeep and maintenance, uPVC does not. It has a long lifetime and does not ever need to be repainted or varnished. Because of this, you are certain to save money in the long run.

You will also experience the performance benefits straight after installation at your Berkeley home. Your property will be warmer, more secure and free of any damp or mould issues. Say goodbye to draughts and any condensation!

Double Glazing

Innovative Design

Years of innovative design has gone into making our uPVC windows perfect. uPVC offers a true upgrade from timber, with better overall performance. While timber makes for a charming aesthetic, it often reacts badly to wet weather cracking and distorting. uPVC is weather resistant, and so this is not the case.

We also use this same innovative design to create windows in different styles for different uses. One great example is that tilt and turn windows are extremely safe and so better for high upper floors due to inwards opening. Find the right design for your Berkeley home.

Double Glazing

Fully Customisable

We understand the importance of getting a uPVC window that matches your style and personality. When you are making an investment that will transform your Berkeley home, it needs to be one that will pay off! This is why our windows are fully customisable in every aspect.

Once you have picked a style, you can select from our range of colours, unique glazing, detailed handles and Georgian bars. What’s more, your new uPVC windows will be made to measure to ensure they are a perfect fit.

Dursley uPVC Windows

Thermally Efficient Windows

When you invest in our uPVC windows, you can feel confident that this will be paid back in the form of cheaper energy bills. Our windows have been designed to be energy efficient, helping your home trap and retain heat through even the coldest winters. Modern ventilation technology prevents the build-up of any damp and moisture, which can be extremely costly to fix. Find yourself less reliant on central heating and experience cheaper energy bills. Not only will you save money but you will also be contributing to a greener future for us all. By using less heating, you will reduce your carbon footprint. Make a sustainable choice today and get in touch.

Increased Security

At Panoramic, we understand that security is the most important aspect of any home improvement! There is nothing more crucial than knowing your home, family and belongings are safe even when you are not there to protect them. Years of time has gone into perfecting our uPVC window design so that we can ensure it is highly secure.

Featuring a robust uPVC frame and advanced double glazing these windows can withstand great force and impact. The addition of multi-point locking mechanisms and robust handles ensures that you will not have to deal with break in attempts. Feel confident knowing that no matter which uPVC window design you choose, you will receive the highest quality product as standard.

uPVC Window Prices Berkeley

Enhance your home in every way with our range of beautiful windows here at Panoramic.

To find your dream profile and customise it to match the style of your Berkeley home, please take a look at our online quoting tool! Simple to use for all, it has never been easier to get a customised price for home improvements.

To get in touch with us directly please fill in our online contact form or call us directly on 01179 560 321.


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Our showroom is open to the public, and we are following safety guidelines for our customers and staff.

You don't need an appointment if you want to visit us. But if you wish to discuss your project with a consultant, we recommend you make an appointment to avoid having to wait when you arrive.

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