uPVC Windows Clevedon

Install uPVC windows in your home in Clevedon and benefit from unrivalled performance. Add a touch of character and charm into your home when you upgrade your windows with Panoramic. We offer a range of uPVC window styles so you can be sure to find the right design for your home.

Reward your home in Clevedon with excellent levels of thermal efficiency and security when you invest in our uPVC windows. Our windows are all manufactured with the highest quality uPVC using all the latest in modern technologies. When it comes to our home improvement products, we can guarantee you will receive a premium uPVC window every time.

uPVC Windows Prices Clevedon
uPVC Windows Cost Clevedon

uPVC Window Styles

We offer an extensive range of uPVC window styles, including sash, casement and flush casement design. Each style provides a different look and feels for your home. So whether you live in a modern or traditional home, we have a window style to suit your needs. All our windows bring high resilience, security and durability into your home.

If either of these traditional window styles is not what you are looking for, what about our timber alternative window? Our timber alternative window offers the conventional look of wood with all the benefits of modern uPVC. Reward your home with slimmer sightlines, for a larger glazing space and exceptional thermal performance.

Benefits of uPVC Windows

Double Glazing

Traditional Aesthetic

Combine elegance and style of a traditional window that utilises all the modern benefits of uPVC, and you create Panoramic uPVC windows. All our windows offer a traditional aesthetic that enhances the look of your home.

Customise your window to match the look of your home. We have customisable options to suit the style of any modern or period home. With a unique and stunning appearance, you can be sure to receive the most attractive window design, unlike any other.

Double Glazing

Highly Secure

Our uPVC windows have a galvanised steel profile that enhances its strength and security. We understand that feeling safe in your home is an integral part, so all our windows are designed with you and the security of your home in mind.

Manufactured with all the latest in modern security, including multi point locking mechanisms and stainless steel reinforcements. Bring your window into the modern day of security when you invest in Panoramic Windows.

Double Glazing

Thermally Efficient

Benefit from a more thermally efficient home and provide a protective barrier between your home and the outside world. Our uPVC windows trap air between the double glazing panes, making your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Beneath the exterior of our windows, there is a combination of a structurally engineered chamber and advanced weatherproofing technology. Our windows also have a galvanised steel profile, all of which come together to create a truly thermally efficient profile.

Bespoke uPVC Windows Clevedon

Bespoke uPVC Windows

Choose from our extensive collection of RAL colours and find the right colour to suit the decor of your home. Opt for our dual colour option, and colour match the interior and exterior of your home with your new windows. With up to 42 colour alternatives, we can guarantee that you will find a unique look for both the inside and outside of your window. Further, customise your window with some of our vast range of hardware options. Choose from monkey tail handles or a standard offset handle, depending on the style of your home. We understand that every home is unique, so we offer fully customisable options to provide you with a truly bespoke design.

uPVC Windows To Be Proud Of

Upgrade your old windows with windows to be proud of. Maximise the security, thermal efficiency and durability of your home with windows you can trust. Aesthetically, your windows will offer an elegant character while benefiting the interior with excellent performance. We only use industry leading manufacturers so we can guarantee you will only receive the highest quality double glazing.

uPVC Window Prices Clevedon

Are you looking to upgrade the windows in your Clevedon home with our uPVC windows? Panoramic Windows offer an extensive collection of uPVC windows so you can be sure to find the right style for your home. Start your free online window quote and take the first steps to improve the performance of your home.

Alternatively, if you are still unsure of the right style for your home, then call us on 01179 560 321. Our team of experts are always on hand to help you make the right decision for your home improvement projects. Or why not come and visit our showroom and see our window styles for yourself?

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Showroom Opening Hours

Our showroom is open to the public, and we are following safety guidelines for our customers and staff.

You don't need an appointment if you want to visit us. But if you wish to discuss your project with a consultant, we recommend you make an appointment to avoid having to wait when you arrive.

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