High Quality Windows

At Panoramic, we offer uPVC windows, for your home in Dursley. If you have old windows, such as timber or single-glazed designs, your home could be vulnerable to intruders. Windows like these could lose up to 10% of your home’s energy. Not only that, but they weaken over time, raising the risk of high repair costs.

However, uPVC windows are durable. With double glazing in their design and fully weatherproof frames, they  last for decades. They’ll capture the energy you lose inside your home, helping you reduce your bills. And, with a variety of styles to choose from, get a unique design for your home too!

uPVC Windows in Dursley
uPVC Window Costs Dursley

uPVC Window Styles

uPVC is a versatile material, able to bend and shape into numerous styles without losing any performance. As a result, invest in designs that are open, functionable, and suitable for your needs.

We supply casement, flush casement, and sliding sash windows. They are sourced from leading manufacturers meaning you’ll get better performance that lasts for longer. Our uPVC windows won’t crack, twist or rot for decades, helping you make a good investment that lasts for years.


Benefits of uPVC Windows

Double Glazing

Ideal Replacement Windows

Our uPVC windows are brilliant replacement designs for your home. If you have an old window that’s cracking or beginning to weaken, you could spend a lot on repairs for the design. However, uPVC windows are affordable investments, meaning it usually works out as less expensive to get a replacement for the old design.

You’ll feel the benefits straight away: uPVC is more durable than timber, offering better insulation. It has no natural design gaps or cracks as wood does either, meaning you’ll get a window that’s air and water-tight. With a weatherproof frame, your windows won’t suffer from condensation or allow draughts in your home.

Double Glazing

Innovative Design

Our uPVC windows are innovative designs. As a result, they can make life at home a little easier every day. All our windows are effortless to open, with a smooth operation that lasts thanks to durable uPVC frames. However, some unique opening systems make things even more simple. Our sliding sash windows use spring balances, while our tilt and turn windows open in multiple directions.

Because of this, you get an easier operation, and you’ll use your window in more ways than you expect. Tilt and turn windows are ideal for upper floors, as they open inwards. This increases ventilation in your property.

Double Glazing

Fully Customisable

Our uPVC windows can be as unique as any home. That’s because a uPVC window from us is a design that’s entirely tailored to you. With Panoramic, you’ll be in total control of how your new window looks. The design will be customisable, and you’ll have plenty of ways to enhance your windows’ look to perfectly suit your home.

These windows come with unique glazing, detailed handles, accessories like Georgian bars and 42 vivid colour options.  Choose your windows’ exact measurements, meaning you will fit them into any space. No matter what you decide on, our installation team will give you a bespoke fitting that matches your home’s design.

Dursley uPVC Windows

Thermally Efficient Windows

One of the best things about investing in Panoramic's uPVC windows is being able to pay it back. That's because our windows are energy efficient, capturing more of your home's natural heat and keeping cold air, draughts and dampness well away. As a result, you can save money on your energy bills for years to come. That way, you put your investment back in your pocket over time! Not only that, but you'll be making a sustainable choice for your home. Our uPVC windows help reduce your home's carbon footprint, ensuring your profiles are recyclable.

Increased Security

We know you value peace of mind in your home. That’s why we offer uPVC windows that give you that feeling of security. Your uPVC windows will protect what matters most, as they come loaded with the latest security hardware to ensure maximum safety.

Your new window features multi-point locking systems and robust handles, while our tilt and turn windows stay locked to a central bar at all times. No matter the design you choose, though, you’ll get a window that’s a nightmare for any intruder.

uPVC Window Prices Dursley

For uPVC windows that make a difference for your Dursley home, get in touch with Panoramic today! With us, you’ll get a quality design from a local installer you can trust.

 Use our online design tool to get a free online quote for any unique design in minutes. Alternatively, reach out to our friendly team through our online contact form or by calling 01179 560 321.

We look forward to working with you soon.

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Our showroom is open to the public, and we are following safety guidelines for our customers and staff.

You don't need an appointment if you want to visit us. But if you wish to discuss your project with a consultant, we recommend you make an appointment to avoid having to wait when you arrive.

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