Quality Windows for Your Home in Newport

At Panoramic, we offer beautiful uPVC windows for your home in Newport.  uPVC windows offer a wide selection of benefits such as being low maintenance. The only thing you need to do is wipe the window down with a damp cloth and water for a pristine, good as new finish.

A uPVC window will solve all these issues because it gives you plenty of natural light and thermal efficiency all year round. This will help save money on expensive bills, letting you spend on the things that are most important to you.

uPVC Windows in Newport
uPVC Window Costs Newport

uPVC Window Styles Newport

We know that everybody’s home is different.  Fortunately, uPVC windows come in a wide array of styles.  Fit a uPVC frame to all of our window designs, including Casement, Flush Casement, Sliding Sash and more. No matter which style of window you select, the uPVC frame results in a smooth opening every time.

uPVC offers plenty of protection. These windows don’t crack or warp for decades, keeping their shape in toughened conditions. What’s more, they come with built in multi point locking systems that open from the inside. This means that intruders won’t force their way in, so you and your family will be safe for many years.

Benefits of Panoramic’s uPVC Windows

Double Glazing

The Ideal Timber Replacement

A uPVC window is the perfect replacement for timber. You’ll still get the beautiful looks you’re used to from your new design, but you’ll also get an advanced window that enhance how  your living space looks and feels. Customise your new build with woodgrain foils and finishes, giving you a natural design.

Double Glazing

Low Maintenance Design

We use robust uPVC profiles across all of our windows. As a result, you can be sure that these windows will last for decades. That’s without regular maintenance, too: instead of having to paint or varnish your wooden windows, uPVC windows perform exceptionally well. The only thing you have to do is wipe it down with water and a cloth, ensuring it looks as good as new.

Double Glazing

Fully Customisable

Customise your home in your own unique way. We offer 42 single or dual colour options and several woodgrain finishes. Our custom handles are available in an endless selection of traditional and modern designs. This wil bring a personalised look to your property.

Newport uPVC Windows

Reducing Your Energy Bills

Our uPVC windows improve your home's thermal efficiency. uPVC is an advanced material that has no gaps in its structure, unlike wood. That means there's far less space for cold air to enter your home through, and also for warm air to escape it. Your windows will also feature innovative double glazing that creates a polyamide thermal barrier.

As a result of this, you can preserve more of your home's natural warmth. That also means you won't have to use your central heating to pick up the slack from your old windows. Instead, you can benefit from a warm and comfortable living space that you don't have to spend money heating, reducing your energy bills.

Security for your Newport Home

We believe you should always feel safe in your Newport home. uPVC windows give great security with multi point locking systems and shootbolt techniques.

Choose window styles that help keep your possessions safe. For example, sliding sash windows feature an astragal bar in the centre, creating a fixed barrier against intruders entering your home. You and your family will be kept safe for many years to come.

uPVC Window Prices Newport

When you are ready to design your uPVC windows, get in touch with Panoramic today. With over four decades of experience, we will work closely to design your ideal windows.

 Use our online quoting engine today to choose uPVC windows and any features you’d like to add to them. We offer you a no hassle quote in minutes.

Also, if you’d like to ask us anything, call us on 01179 560 321!

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Showroom Opening Hours

Our showroom is open to the public, and we are following safety guidelines for our customers and staff.

You don't need an appointment if you want to visit us. But if you wish to discuss your project with a consultant, we recommend you make an appointment to avoid having to wait when you arrive.

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